List of Publications

Nr Author Title
1 Kostka-Rick, R Methodological investigations in the standardized grass culture (in German)
VDI-Berichte 609 (1987), 301-316.
2 Kostka-Rick, R Application of biomonitoring and passive sampling around a fluoride
emission source (in German)
VDI-Berichte 609 (1987), 487-499.
3 Kostka-Rick, R Daily growth rate of injury extent in Gladiolus - a measuring quantity
for effects of fluroride air pollution (in German).
Angewandte Botanik 63 (1989), 17-31.
4 Kostka-Rick, R Application of passive deposition sampling and biomonitoring
in a monitoring network.
1. SAM Passive Deposition Monitoring (in German)
Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 49 (1989) 197-200.
5 Kostka-Rick, R Application of passive deposition sampling and biomonitoring
in a monitoring network
2. Standardized Grass Culture (in German)
Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 51 (1991), 301-305.
6 Kostka-Rick, R Application of passive deposition sampling and biomonitoring
in a monitoring network.
3. Exposure of Gladiolus bioindicator plants (in German).
Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 52 (1992), 73-77.
7 Kostka-Rick, R Application of measurements of immission rates and of their
biological effects for monitoring the success of emission-reducing
measures at a brickworks (in German and English)
ZI - Ziegelindustrie International 6/1991, 312-319.
8 Kostka-Rick, R Measurement of ambient fluoride concentrations, deposition rates of
fluoride by SAM, and application of active biomonitoring around a
local emission source (in German).
VDI-Berichte 901 (1991), 801-811.
9 Kostka-Rick, R Shape a hypocotyl in radish - a usefull response variable for ozone
air pollution effects ? (in German)
VDI-Berichte 901 (1991), 665-676.
10 Kostka-Rick, R
Manning, W J
The antioxidant EDU and Raphanus sativus L.
- new perspectives in biomonitoring ozonw air pollution? (in German)
VDI-Berichte 901 (1991), 649-663.
11 Kostka-Rick, R
Manning, W J
Effects of ambient rain chemistry on field-grown radish
 - an exploratory approach by multiple linear regression.
Water, Air and Soil Pollution 63 (1992), 1-21.
12 Kostka-Rick, R
Manning, W J
Partitioning of biomass and carbohydrates in field-grown
radish under ambient levels of O3 treated with the anti-
ozonant ethylenediurea (EDU).
New Phytologist 121 (1992), 187-200.
13 Kostka-Rick, R
Manning, W J
Dose-response studies of the antioxidant ethylenediurea
(EDU on greenhouse-grown radish varieties.
Environmental Pollution 79 (1993), 249-260.
14 Kostka-Rick, R
Manning, W J
Buonaccorsi, J
Dynamics of biomass distribution in field-grown radish
varieties, treated with the antioxidant ethylenediurea (EDU)
Environmental Pollution 80 (1993), 133-145.
15 Kostka-Rick, R
Manning, W J
Radish (Raphanus sativus L.): A model for studying plant
responses to air pollutant and other environmental stresses.
Environmental Pollution 82 (1993), 107-138.
16 Kostka-Rick, R
Manning, W J
Effects and interactions of ozone and the anti-ozonant EDU at
different stages of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) development.
Journal of Experimental Botany 43 (1992), No.257, 1621-1631.
17 Kostka-Rick, R
Manning, W J
Dose-response studies with the antiozonant ethylenediurea
(EDU) applied as a soil drench to two growth substrates, on
greenhouse-grown bean varieties.
Environmental Pollution 82 (1993) 63-72.
18 Kostka-Rick, R
Manning, W J
Dynamics of growth and biomass partitioning in field-grown
bush-bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), treated with the antiozonant
ethylenediurea (EDU).
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 44 (1993) 194-214.
19 Kostka-Rick, R Yield components and fluoride accumulation in standardized grass
cultures as influenced by methodological variations and
environmental factors (in German).
Angewandte Botanik 68 (1994) 22-31.
20 Nobel, W
Maier-Reiter, W
Finkbeiner, M
Sommer, B
Frank, W
Kostka-Rick, R
Levels of polychlorinated dioxins and furans in ambient air,
plants and soil as influenced by emission sources and
differences in land use.
In: Fiedler, H.; Frank, H.; Hutzinger, O.;Parzefall, W.;
Riss, A.; Safe, S. (Eds.):Organohalogen Compounds.
Vol. 12 (1993). Umweltbundesamt Wien. S. 171-174.
21 Maier-Reiter, W
Sommer, B
Kostka-Rick, R
Assessing air pollution effects around local emission sources:
Biomonitoring, bioassays and soil monitoring (in German)
Poster contribution to: Dioxine - Quellen, Transport, Verbleib.
ECOPLAN Deutschland GmbH/TÜV Umwelt GmbH; Stuttgart, 14.12.1994.
22 Maier-Reiter, W
Sommer, B
Kostka-Rick, R
Finkbeiner, M
Peitz, P
Biomonitoring of polychlorinated dioxins und furans
around local emission sources (in German)
Poster contribution to: Dioxine - Quellen, Transport, Verbleib.
Symposium; ECOPLAN Deutschland GmbH/TÜV Umwelt GmbH;
Stuttgart, 14.12.1994.
23 Kostka-Rick, R
Maier-Reiter, W
Application of in vitro bioassays in emission and ambient
air monitoring (in German)
UTA - Umwelttechnologie Aktuell 2/95; s. 351-356.
24 Maier-Reiter, W
Bartholmeß, H
Betz, B
Finkbeiner, M
Fleischhauer, M
Kostka-Rick, R
Michenfelder, K
Sommer, B
Uttenweiler, I.
Application of bioindicator plants in routine air quality
monitoring practical experience by the.
TÜV Energie und Umwelt GmbH (in German)
Berichte aus dem Institut für Landschafts- und Pflanzenökologie
der Universität Hohenheim; Heft 4 (1995), S. 173-184.
25 Kostka-Rick, R
Maier-Reiter, W
Schachner, J
Hahn, H-U
Biomonitoring of ambient air pollution by organic solvents
- a challenge in the application of bioindicator plants (in German)
in: ARNDT, U.; FOMIN, A.; LORENZ, S. (Hrsg.) Bioindikation
- Neue Entwicklungen, Nomenklatur, Synökologische Aspekte; 1996.
Heimbach-Verlag, 73760 Ostfildern; S. 257-264.
26 Hafner, C
Kostka-Rick, R
Maier-Reiter, W
Poth, H
Fomin, A
Monitoring genotoxic effects of municipal solid waste incinerator
emissions and of resulting ambient air pollution (in German)
in: ARNDT, U.; FOMIN, A.; LORENZ, S. (Hrsg.) Bioindikation
- Neue Entwicklungen, Nomenklatur, Synökologische Aspekte; 1996.
Heimbach-Verlag, 73760 Ostfildern; S. 251-256.
27 Kostka-Rick, R Biomonitoring ambient air pollution by organic solvents
- application of a novel bioindication system (in German).
Oehlmann J; Markert B (Eds): Ökotoxikologie:ökosystemare Ansätze
und Methoden; ecomed Landsberg (Germany); 409-415; 1999
28 Kostka-Rick, R Biomonitoring the impact of industrial emission sources
development of bioindicator systems employing higher plants
as susceptible indicator species (in German)
Oehlmann J; Markert B (Eds): Ökotoxikologie:ökosystemare Ansätze
und Methoden; ecomed Landsberg (Germany); 416-418; 1999.
29 Kostka-Rick, R
Leffler, U S
Markert, B
Herpin, U
Lusche, M
Lehrke, J
Assessing the pollution impact on terrestrial ecosystems by plant and soil
monitoring: Conception, implementation and assessment scales (in German).
UWSF – Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 12 (1) 5-12; 2001
30 Kostka-Rick, R Ozone biomonitoring around an industrial monitoring network (in German)
Presentation and Poster at the Workshop 'Bioindikation – Ozon'.
University of Salzburg, 06.-07.04.2001

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31 Hahn, H-U
Kostka-Rick, R
Biomonitoring of VOC emissions from the coating process at
DaimlerChrysler – an inside view of motivation factors
Klumpp A; Fomin A; Klumpp G; Ansel W (Eds.): Bioindication and Air
Quality in European Cities – Research, Application, Communication.
Heimbach, Stuttgart (Germany); 119-130. 2002
32 Hafner, C
Jung, K
Kostka-Rick, R
Hahn, H-U
Schüürmann, G
Nitrogen metabolism as effect parameter for air pollution in plant
bioindicators – a 15 N-tracer study
Klumpp A; Fomin A; Klumpp G; Ansel W (Eds.): Bioindication and Air
Quality in European Cities – Research, Application, Communication.
Heimbach, Stuttgart (Germany); 181-186; 2002
33 Kostka-Rick, R
Bender, J
Bergmann, E
Weigel, H-J
Symptoms of ozone-induced foliar injury on horticultural crops>
Klumpp A; Fomin A; Klumpp G; Ansel W (Eds.): Bioindication and Air
Quality in European Cities – Research, Application, Communication.
Heimbach, Stuttgart (Germany); 191-196; 2002
34 Kostka-Rick, R Ozone biomonitoring in a local network around an automotive plant
Klumpp A; Fomin A; Klumpp G; Ansel W (Eds.): Bioindication and Air
Quality in European Cities – Research, Application, Communication.
Heimbach, Stuttgart (Germany); 243-248; 2002
35 Nobel, W
Kostka-Rick, R
Honnen, W
Blum, T
Bioindikation von Immissionen des Kfz-Verkehrs.
Verh. Ges. Ökologie (Cottbus 2002); 32 (2002);
Verlag Die Werkstatt, Göttingen; 365.
36 Mekel, O
Kostka-Rick, R
Predicting exposure concentrations of cadmium in vegetables and fruits
by probabilistic modelling. Presentation at the 12th SRA Annual Meeting
(Society for Risk Analysis – Europe), Berlin 21.-24.07.2002.
37 Kostka-Rick, R
Mekel, OCL.
Differentiation and assessment of variability and uncertainty in probabilistic
exposure models – a contribution to the assessment of cadmium exposure
Oral Presentation (in German) at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Germ
Chemists  (Subgroup: Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology); Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC, German Language Branch)
and Association of Geoecology in Germany; Braunschweig 06.-08.10.2002.
38 Kostka-Rick, R
Mekel, OCL
Selecting Bioconcentration Factors for minimizing uncertainty in probabilistic
exposure assessment for cadmium. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of
the Society of Germany Chemists; Society of Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry (SETAC, German Language Branch) and Association of
Geoecology in Germany; Braunschweig 06.-08.10.2002.  FEB Fresenius
Environmental Bulletin 12(6) (2003) 581-583.

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39 Nobel, W
Honnen, W
Blum, T
Biomonitoring of ambient air pollutants (heavy metals, noble metals) from
automobile traffic near a highway.
Presentation at the EuroBionet2002 Conference on Urban Air Pollution, Bioindi-
cation and Environmental Awareness, Stuttgart-Hohenheim; 05.-06.11.2002
40 Kostka-Rick, R
Mekel, O
Reducing variability and uncertainty in probabilistic exposure assessment.
Presentation at the SETAC Europe13th Annual Meeting;
Hamburg 27.04.-01.05.2003.
41 Kostka-Rick, R Biomonitoring fluoride air pollution with Gladiolus.
Poster presented at the SETAC Europe13th Annual Meeting;
Hamburg 27.04.-01.05.2003.

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42 Kostka-Rick, R Ozone biomonitoring: How relevant are results from tobacco (Nicotiana
tabacum) cv. 'Bel W3'? Poster presented at the SETAC Europe13th Annual
Meeting; Hamburg 27.04.-01.05.2003.

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43 Kostka-Rick, R Ozone biomonitoring: Representativeness of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cv.
'Bel W3' injury towards other crops
Presentation at the 3rd International Workshop on Biomonitoring of
Atmospheric Pollution (BioMAP); Bled, Slovenia; 21.-25.09.2003.
44 Erhardt, W  et al.
Kostka-Rick, R
Nobel, W
Standardisation in Bioindication  -the VDI-Guideline series.
Poster presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Biomonitoring of
Atmospheric Pollution (BioMAP); Bled, Slovenia; 21.-25.09.2003.
45 Nobel, W
Kostka-Rick, R
Honnen, W
Blum, T
Metal biomonitoring near a heavily trafficked highway using standardized
methods. Poster presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Biomonitoring
of Atmospheric Pollution (BioMAP); Bled, Slovenia; 21.-25.09.2003.

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46 Kostka-Rick, R Assessing the phytotoxic potential of organic air pollutants (in German).
Presentation at the Workshop "Gesunde Umwelt für gesunde Pflanzen";
Braunschweig; 09.-10.10.2003.